Caplin & Drysdale
* ADRTax
* Civil Litigation
* Corporate Law
* Corporate Tax
* Creditors' Rights
* Employee Benefits
* Exempt Organizations
* General Tax
* International Tax
* Partnership Tax
* Political Activity Law
* Private Client
* Tax Controversies
* Tax Crimes
* Tax Litigation
* White Collar Defense
When we started this firm over 40 years ago, our commitment was to provide comprehensive tax legal services of the highest quality. In the beginning, we recruited heavily from the top staff at IRS, Treasury, and Justice Department, amassing an unmatched reserve of technical expertise as well as insider knowledge on how tax law is made and administered. As the firm grew, we continued to hire former government lawyers and added breadth to our cadre by hiring and training young lawyers who had served in judicial clerkships or had otherwise demonstrated exceptional promise.
Our style of practice was aimed at minimizing our clients' tax liabilities without compromising the ethical principles that are essential to the integrity of the tax system. We soon earned a reputation among clients for mastering the complex and ever changing tax laws and for finding well-conceived, innovative solutions to tax problems. At the same time, we earned the trust and respect of government officials - a benefit to clients who are planning transactions, seeking rulings from the IRS, or trying to resolve tax controversies. To meet client needs, we later recruited experienced practitioners who could provide non-tax legal services such as commercial litigation and corporate counseling.
Along the way, we were pleased to find ourselves in a collegial workplace surrounded by first rate attorneys dedicated to excellence in the profession and service to clients. As the younger generation has assumed the management of the firm, we are delighted to see that its culture and focus remain fundamentally the same as they were at inception.
Caplin & Drysdale
1 Thomas Circle NW #1100
Washington DC 20005
Tel: 202 862-5000
Fax: 202 429-3301
