Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP
Intellectual Property & Business Law

Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP is nationally recognized for its expertise in Intellectual Property law and in particular, patent law, the centerpiece of our IP practice. Our successful litigation practice has been at the forefront of technology and patent law.

* IP Smart
- Antitrust
- Copyrights
- Counseling
- Due Diligence
- International Trade Commission
- Licensing and Transactions
- Patent Interferences
- Patent Litigation
- Patent Prosecution
- Patent Reissue and Reexamination
- Technology
- Trademarks
- Trademark and Copyright Litigation
- Unfair Competition and Trade Secrets
- Venture Capital Group

Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP handles all types of intellectual property matters, many of national and international significance. We have served as lead counsel in trials and appeals in courtrooms throughout the country since the inception of the Firm. Our patent work has always concerned important inventions of the time, including miniaturized electronics, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, films, herbicides, and freeze-dried coffee.

We have continued as a major player over the decades, with significant depth in biotechnology, crop science, computer and Internet technologies. We remain at the forefront not only in patent litigation, but also in patent prosecution and counseling, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights and all other facets of intellectual property law. The Firm has handled numerous patent cases centering on important issues of first impression.

Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP
1875 Eye St NW #1100
Washington DC 20006
Tel: 202 331-7111
Fax: 202 293-6229
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