Ferraro Law Firm
Florida Mesothelioma Lawyers Miami Asbestos Cancer Attorneys FL Claim
Trial Lawyers Fighting to Protect Your Rights
If you have been injured due to the negligent or wrongful actions of someone else, one of the most important decisions you have to make is your choice of legal representation.
Any personal injury lawyer will offer to handle your case on a contingency fee basis. This means the lawsuit itself will cost you nothing until the firm makes a recovery for you. Since all law firms offer a similar cost arrangement, it is crucial that you pick the firm that is best at handling your type of case.
At The Ferraro Law Firm, we concentrate on handling the most serious injury cases, such as cancers caused by asbestos, work place diseases such as mesothelioma victims, catastrophic accidents, medical malpractice, product liability, defective drugs and medical devices, environmental toxins, automobile defects and wrongful death. We also represent homeowners and litigate consumer protection cases.
As our client, we will treat you as an individual with the highest regard for your well being. We will assign attorneys and legal assistants to your case so it is handled capably and professionally, and you are treated with the respect you deserve.
We have helped more than 20,000 people recover over approximately $ 1 billion dollars in asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits
The Ferraro Law Firm is one of the top five asbestos and mesothelioma law firms in the nation in the number of claimants we represent and the total recovery we have obtained for our clients. We have proven that we can take on the largest corporations and insurance companies – and win. Our courtroom successes have also given us the financial resources to handle complex cases that require a significant monetary investment on the part of the law firm handling your case.
We have prepared this web site to provide you with information about our firm and our services. Please contact the trial lawyers at The Ferraro Law Firm for a free case evaluation.
Ferraro Law Firm
1001 Connecticut Ave NW #1225
Washington DC 20036
Tel: 800 275-3332
We represent persons suffering from mesothelioma and asbestos related cancers nationwide. We represent asbestosis victims throughout Florida and the New England states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. For other types of personal injuries, we represent clients throughout Florida, including Miami, Coral Gables, Orlando, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Fort Myers, Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Key West, Clearwater, Pensacola, Daytona, Gainesville and Palm Beach We represent divorce and family law clients in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.
