Ivins, Phillips & Barker
Law Firm Attorneys Washington, District of Columbia Lawyers
The Nation's Premier Tax and Employee Benefits Specialty Law Firm
* Tax Planning
- Corporate Tax
- International Tax
- Tax Accounting
* Employee Benefits
* Estate Planning
* Tax Controversies
Our estate planning attorneys represent a variety of high net worth individuals and multi-generational families, from those with significant inherited wealth invested in diversified assets to those with major equity holdings in closely held businesses created by them or their families.
We help our clients design lifetime gifting strategies and comprehensive and flexible estate plans so that they can achieve their personal and family objectives through the tax-efficient transfer of assets, with personally tailored gift and estate planning techniques and instruments, including the use of:
* Living Trusts and other estate planning documents
* Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) Trusts and Bypass Trusts
* GST Tax Protected Trusts
* Minor’s and Crummey Trusts
* Educational Savings Options, including 529 Plans
* Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs)
* Charitable Lead Trusts and Charitable Remainder Trusts (CLTs and CRTs)
* Qualified Personal Residence Trusts (QPRTs)
* Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies
* Entity Valuations
* Private Foundations and other Exempt Organizations
As part of each estate plan, we consider the impact of federal income, estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer taxes on the transmission of wealth. We also understand that tax savings, while important, are often a secondary priority for our clients as they decide how and when to transfer assets to their family members and other beneficiaries.
In this area of practice, we have had considerable experience in addressing a broad range of problems and in developing comprehensive individual and family estate plans that take into consideration the unique relationship and goals of each client. This experience transcends tax issues and can only be gained by decades of practice.
Ivins, Phillips & Barker
1700 Pennsylvania Ave NW #600
Washington DC 20006
Tel: 202 393-7600
Fax: 202 393-7601; 347-4256
