Maggio & Kattar PC
Key Practice Areas
* Employment-Based Visas
* I-9s and Corporate Compliance
* J-1 and Other Waivers
* Investors
* Deportation and Removal Defense
* Federal and Administrative Litigation
* Naturalization and Citizenship
* Family-Based Visas

Maggio & Kattar is Washington's preeminent boutique immigration law firm, as well as its largest. Under the leadership of John Nahajzer and Jim Alexander -- and following the best traditions of its founder, the late Michael Maggio -- the firm represents individual foreign nationals and a select group of Fortune 500 and other companies as well as non-profits, universities and diverse institutions across the nation and around the world. Our dedicated team of attorneys and experienced professionals consistently provides expert legal advice and dedicated client service.

Maggio & Kattar PC
11 Dupont Circle NW #775
Washington DC 20036
Tel: 202 483-0053
Fax: 202 483-6801
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